
(What it will look like when we’re done)

Equipping People to Uniquely Impact the World for Christ

Can You Imagine?

Can You Imagine?

Can you imagine a local church body where every member knows who they are in Christ? Where they know the laundry list of rites and privileges as sons and daughters of God?

Can you imagine a local church body where every member knows how God has created them, gifted them, wired them, shaped them, and for what reason?

Can you imagine a local church body where they know where God has called them to witness, serve, and love the people God places in their life?

Can you imagine a local church body individually and corporately unlocked, free inwardly to now freely go, follow Jesus to the unique places He calls, and be an alive people, living with purpose, meaning, and clear about the impact we’re to make?


The Bible helps us see that the primary responsibility for Church Leadership is to equip the saints for the work of THEIR ministry. Every single follower of Jesus is gifted in a particular way to make their unique impact on the world for Christ. Forge Life sees a future where all her people know who they are in God, know how God has made created them uniquely, and how God has entrusted each and every one of His children a ministry that they are to be faithful stewards of.

We at Forge Life stand for God’s children to make their unique impact in the world. We come alongside each person to resource and support them as they navigate this life, worshiping and serving their God and Savior Jesus Christ in the unique way God has made them. We see in the Bible that Jesus knew us all before the foundations of the world were being formed, and that He set us apart to do “good works” for humanity.

Forge Life sees herself as coming alongside her people to awaken them to see their calling as their path to purpose, meaning, freedom, and love. Can you imagine a future where every follower of Jesus knows who they are, who they were created to be in the world, and where they are called to be that person? We can! We see a future where God’s people are unlocked, set free, given purpose and meaning to follow Jesus faithfully in THEIR unique context.

Ephesians 2:8-10 and Ephesians 4:11-16 fuel Forge Life Vision.