
(What we do everyday, together)

  • Jesus invites us to consider that He came to Earth that His people would have life, but not just an ordinary life, but life to the full, an extraordinary life. An interior life with Him that no matter what comes our way, death, sickness, loss of job, loss of relationships (anything!), that His peace will surpass ALL understanding. We value building and resourcing people to have this life to the full that is promised in Scripture.

  • Jesus invites us to consider that communing with the Father is a top priority. Jesus modeled this nearly every other moment with His time on Earth. He often gets away to pray, to worship, and to be with His Father, knowing apart from Him, He could do nothing. We believe, apart from the Father in prayer and worship, we can do nothing as well.

  • Jesus invites us to consider that He has a plan for each and every one of His children. If we are diligent in figuring out what our unique plan is, Jesus promises us that we will find meaning and purpose in Him. We value the Spirit of God that is at work within God’s children, that naturally lead us into a life of transformation, going from glory to glory the NT writers speak of. We are always transforming and conforming into the image of the Son.

  • Jesus invites us to consider that nearly nothing is done apart from community. We see in the Bible that His children are His Body, and we need each other on the deepest level, for discerning spiritual gifts, our unique mission or ministry, to love one another in our times of need, to encourage one another towards God’s best for us, and to transform together. We need each other at the most basic human level. Forge Life values this and organizes her ministries so that it is a “together” experience, and not an individualistic walk with God.

  • Jesus invites us to consider that life is meant to live in service to others. He came not to be served, but to serve. Jesus sacrificed his time, talent, and treasure for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Forge Life is a place of generosity. We are generous with our time. We are generous with our talents and gifts. We are generous with our finances in funding ministry that God wants to happen, and to support ourselves in protecting us from greed and storing up treasures on earth that will pass away.

We don’t always get it right, but when we do, incredibly beautiful, good, and powerful things seem to happen.