Meet the Pastors

Lead Pastors Nick and Yolanda LeMonds

Pastor Nick, and native of Newberg, spent most of his childhood and early adult years in traumatic bondage to drugs, alcohol, money, anxiety, fear, failure, and other people's perception of him. He was in and out of jail. He destroyed any and all relationships that came his way, especially those closest to him and those he loved the most. But God, who was rich in mercy, kind, in His way of drawing people to Himself, made Himself known in a way that Nick could understand Him on July 7th, 2012. Everything changed for Him on that hot, summery, Friday night.

Quickly, the Lord moved Nick out to Haviland Kansas where he was able to sit with God's Holy Scripture and earn a Bachelors degree in Bible and Theology from Barclay College. In Kansas, in a small town of about 700 people, Nick was able to learn about the expansive, beautiful, glorious Kingdom of God, in community. In those formative years, to Nick's surprise, received a calling from the Lord to care for, and pastor people well, any and all people that God would bring in his path. Also, in those formative years, Nick grew alongside that pastoral call, another call to start churches, not at the time, knowing the fulness of what that meant. Upon graduation in 2017, Nick headed to Southern California to pursue a Masters of Divinity degree at Azusa Pacific Seminary.

Upon arriving to sunny California, Nick ran into his 2nd most important discovery of all, Yolanda LeMonds. After six months of courting, Nick proposed to Yolanda and were married February 2019.

Yolanda, a native of Southern California, was raised in wonderful Christian home. Amazingly family oriented, Yolanda grew up with serving the Lord and her family on her heart at all times. This led to her earning her Bachelors degree in Biblical Studies from Azusa Pacific University and eventually, her Masters of Pastoral Ministries degree from Azusa Seminary.

Late 2019, the newly formed LeMonds family began to sense that God was calling them back to Nick's hometown of Newberg OR where it all began to explore what starting a church could look like. After both graduating from seminary, Nick and Yolanda have made it to Newberg to begin this journey of helping people come to the saving grace of God that so radically changed Nick's life in 2012. The task is enormous. The harvest is ripe and desperate. The LeMonds family is committed to forging, with God, resilient and heroic disciples of Christ, to follow Him, love Him, and serve Him until He returns.

What is even more important for Nick and Yolanda, is having the honor and privilege of raising their beautiful daughters Aliza Jireh and their new baby girl, Raquel Nissi.

Everyday, we remind ourselves that life is a process of becoming.

Who are you becoming? What are we becoming together? 

We are forging life, most abundantly lived in fellowship with the ancient, present Christ. 

We believe that you are valuable and important to God.

Because of this, we see an endless amount of possibilities in your life. We will not settle for you believing anything less than you are magnificent. 

We are deeply committed to being a source of kindness, compassion, and empathy for our community. 

Life is at its fullest when you are surrounded by people who love you and want the best for you. That is what we are creating at Forge Life Church, a place where you have a seat at the table. A place where you are loved at your worst and best.  

We will challenge you to your greatness and biggest impact. 

You are uniquely crafted to build the kingdom of God. It is our commitment to you and your family to cultivate that unique gift and see it lived out well. 

Visit us January 2024

200 South College Street, Newberg
(upstairs 404, enter in 2nd street door)

Sunday Mornings
Doors open at 10:30
(fellowship, coffee, kids)
Start time 11am