
(What we do in the meantime)

Forging Disciples…

Who Make Disciples…

of Jesus Our Lord

What If?

What If?

What if a local church body took basic discipleship to Jesus seriously as the answer the world was longing for?

What if every member of a local church took Jesus’ call to “follow” Him seriously? What could be possible?

What if every member of a local church saw themselves as Jesus’ disciples, apprentices, to follow Him, be led by Him, transformed by Him, and committed to Him with every fiber of their being?

What if the answer to a deeply hurting town, city, metro area was so easy, so simple (incredibly hard, but simple), so elementary as basic discipleship and apprenticeship to Jesus of Nazareth?

How would Newberg change, grow, develop, see needs met, sicknesses healed, addictions broken, families restored and reconciled, hearts and souls captivated by hope, freedom, joy, and love?

We believe the answer is simply to follow Jesus, apprenticing under Him, in an extended spiritual family, as our Lord, Savior, Teacher, and Friend. By doing so, the town of Newberg could be overflowing with forgiveness, humility, courage, perseverance, bursting at the seams with hope, freedom, and love in all the pockets of town, spilling over onto businesses, schools, neighborhoods, communities, parks, and homes.

As Jesus was leaving this Earth in His earthly form, He gave ALL His followers marching orders: make disciples, baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit, and teach them to Obey all that He has commanded. We at Forge Life believe this is at the heart of Jesus. To see His Kingdom expand to places He wants it to go, it will require each of His children to own their life with God, understanding that God’s Kingdom gets expanded through sharing the message with those who have not heard, seen, or experienced it.

We at Forge Life want to simplify discipleship where it becomes transferrable to our friends, family, loved ones, co-workers and communities. The Bible helps us see that His children are a Sent people on Earth, sent to the people and places He calls us to. God the Father wants us to conform to the image of His Son Jesus, and if we are to conform to Him, we must own our life and identity as Sent people, giving away what has been given and entrusted to us to a hurting and broken world that craves King Jesus.

It does not stop there, but continues not to just make disciples, but to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples, who make disciples.

Matthew 28:18-20 and John 20:19-23 fuel our Forge Life Mission